
Meg’n had a love-hate relationship with yoga when she first began taking classes, and then fell hard when she was undergoing a tough period in her life. She needed something to sink her teeth into that was not harmful. She explored many different styles, and didn’t think twice when Moksha yoga (Chicago) had a teacher training program in Naperville which Meg’n completed in 2007.

Since then, she has taught toddlers, kids, teens, chair yoga, has dabbled in Iyanger, Forest and Hot Yoga. It was Vinyasa yoga and it’s fluidity, beauty and meditative qualities of this practice that captured her heart and soul. Meg’n enjoys creative sequencing and eclectic music.

She finds immense joy, satisfaction and inspiration in seeing students discover their own personal yoga journey and hopes to nurture and encourage them along their path.

During her free time, Meg’n works as a stylist at several local boutiques, relishes traveling (and occasionally destination teaching) is an avid foodie, book and animal lover.