
Ellen first came to the practice of yoga in 2005 to help heal injuries sustained through years of martial arts training. A student of hot yoga since 2010, she gravitated toward both the discipline of the practice and the health benefits of the intense heat.

Ellen completed her CYT 200 hour training at Prairie Yoga in May 2013 and has been teaching ever since. Ellen views yoga as a continuously evolving process that can be approached with a fresh perspective in every class for everyone. She believes that understanding the anatomy behind the movements and the “why” of the postures is essential for students in developing a mindful practice.

Once the postures are deeply felt and understood in the physical body, the mind is then free to focus on the more spiritual aspects of practice. She is passionate about the role of yoga in recovery from addiction and is focusing on the integration of mindfulness practice and therapy in her career as an addictions counselor. 

Ellen also runs “Sober Yogis”, a social recovery network (please check back for times and dates). She enjoys teaching a variety of class styles, including traditional Hatha, Vinyasa Flow, Power Fusion, Restorative and Fitness.