

Mike is a flooring contractor by trade, and a yogi by choice. Currently, Mike teaches Hot Yoga, Vinyasa and Yin Yoga classes, while still maintaining a daily practice. Divorce drew him to yoga, but the benefits are what encourage him to continue practicing yoga on and off the mat.

Four years into his personal practice, the natural progression was to attend teacher training with Suddha Weixler at the Chicago Yoga Center.

Mike is currently a 500RYT and started teaching in 2013. At fifty some odd years old, he says that he is in the best place he’s ever been in his life.


His mantra is: “Through yoga we re-establish the mind–body–spirit connection, allowing us to live more fully in the present.” As a father of three, Mike is adamant about being physically, mentally, and spiritually fit for the future. The strategies he learns while practicing yoga help decrease stress and bring him peace. Whether you are a first-timer or a life-timer, Mike invites students to join him on this journey.