
To me, yoga is a way of living. It is not only on the mat that I make choices what to teach or practice, but also in the outside world by choosing how to respond in certain situations and how to stay true to myself no matter what.
Like many of us, I came to practice yoga years ago as physical exercise. I would leave the class before the practice of breathing and meditation; I felt that asana was all I needed. It took time for me to realize that the actual yoga starts where pranayama – breath regulation – and meditation begins, asana being only preparation.

Another lesson I learned while teaching yoga is that having a very flexible body isn’t an advantage of practicing asana. There is a higher degree to injure yourself, and you need to work harder on strengthening your muscles to support stability. That’s why, if someone tells me: “I can’t do yoga, I’m very inflexible.” my answer is: “You are made for it! That’s why you come to yoga – to get more flexible in your body and your mind.”


Five plus years of teaching yoga has allowed me to find my own style and set my values. I prefer not to put people into proficiency levels, believing that no one can assess the level of one’s meditation practice. Everyone is welcome to join; I love diversity.


My motto is:

“We don’t need more speed, what we need is quality”

I have attended classes that were described as ‘yoga’ and were so fast I could barely catch my breath. I stand behind the principle of less being more.

I like teaching sequences where there is an initial and final relaxation with a more dynamic flow in between; we all need to gather and center first before we are ready to move mindfully. There is no specific time when pranayama and meditation are practiced; instead, they are weaved throughout the entire session. I encourage people to close their eyes frequently, so the practice becomes a meditative experience throughout with a focus on observing their bodies, thoughts, and emotions. As someone with a degree in clinical psychology, I strive to motivate everyone to explore and get a deeper understanding of who they really are. We tend to look outside while all the answers lay within.

Yoga is the way to get our questions answered.

Currently, I also teach workshop series at the Lithuanian World center Museum of Art, chair yoga at St. Francis of Assisi Residence, a semi private early morning session and lead silent Mindful Weekend retreats for Women in Beverly Shores, IN.