Meet Jeanne



Movement has always been a central part of my life. I first fell in love with fitness as I saw how it could transform not only my health, but my overall outlook on life.
About 10 years ago I began exploring meditation, energetics, and the subtle body.

I began practicing yoga as a way to combine the two worlds of physical strength and mindful movement. Soon after I followed a dream and moved abroad.

My practice was the only constant in the sea of change. Moving with breath and intention can truly carry us through the waves.


After 5 years of practice and two unsuccessful attempts to go to India (one being where I made it all the way to customs only to change my mind to stay with my now husband), I received my 200 hr training locally in 2020.
Yoga heals from the inside out. I am truly grateful for the practice and honored to assist others in this process. I have every intention of continuing to learn about this ancient practice with the hopes of helping people connect with their true power.