

Join us in welcoming Ryan Kramer to the Saha Teacher team.  Ryan recently completed his teacher training at YBD. 

He will teach the Hott Mixx class at 8am on Sunday mornings. Ryan’s goal is to have his students leave class feeling empowered, strong, and perfect just the way they are.

Ryan is also a tourism professional, a decent cook, dabbles in writing, and is a new husband.

If you do not see Ryan’s class on your MB app you may need to select “All Teachers” from the dropdown menu at the top of the screen.  

Meet Stephanie



My yoga story began when I was 10, doing the Rachel Welch Yoga tapes with my mom. Fast forward 10 years and I found myself a student at Aurora University teaching yoga to senior citizens at their retirement center as a volunteer. It was chair yoga. They seemed to enjoy the interaction and definitely felt better moving and stretching their tight bodies.  

After graduating college, I began a career in television broadcasting here in Chicago, but life soon became too stressful and once again I sought out yoga. A boyfriend’s mom asked me to go to yoga with her, so once again I was excited to experience a new yoga class. She didn’t tell me it was Bikram Hot Yoga and I walked into the room and said, “Whew”, rather loudly, and everyone in the room looked at me like, what did you expect?  

As I did the postures, I seemed to know which posture was coming next, I thought, “Oh, my body just moves in those directions naturally”; come to realize later, the yoga I did with my mom was Bikram Yoga. 


In the Fall of 2010 I graduated from Bikram Teacher Training and began teaching and since then, I haven’t stopped practicing and teaching daily, except for when my son, Carson, was born in 2015. And that’s another story you should ask me about someday. I practiced the Original Hot Yoga through my pregnancy, so I am very knowledgeable about the pregnancy series, and I can guide pregnant students through the Original Hot Yoga series with the proper modifications.

I have taught the Original Hot Yoga series plus some additional yoga games and postures to children. The class in not heated and 60 minutes long.  I teach children of all ages and children with special needs. I am also a certified Children’s Yoga Teacher.

In July 2017, l began teaching Rocket Vinyasa.  I was taught the series by Gianna Purcell, the 2013 USA Yoga Champion, in a workshop in Chicago. I teach that class 2 times a week here at Saha Yoga Studio.

I have competed in the USA Yoga Organization Regionals and have coached many athletes/participants (both adult and youth divisions) for this competition.

I love helping people improve their health, reduce their pain and improve their overall quality of life.  It is a very fulfilling career. I love being a Yoga teacher!

Meet Chris



Chris began yoga in hopes that it would increase his hip mobility. He grew up with hip Perthes disease which causes poor blood circulation to the hip and poor hip mobility. 

He was elated when after a few months of practicing his hip mobility was substantially improved and he was able to run smoothly without hip discomfort for the first time in his life. 

He grew up with four older brothers and the ability to finally be able to outrun them in a race was a reward in of itself 🙂

As his practice progressed so did his mobility and his desire to help others find and regain good health. In the spring of 2013, 

Chris flew out to L.A and underwent the 8 week Bikram Yoga Teacher Training. He has been teaching ever since and his passion to help others has only grown.



Chantel’s first experience with yoga began in her childhood home, watching her mom practice and teach yoga.  Influenced by her yogi mother, she learned about yoga philosophy, posture and seated meditation, but always struggled with sitting still for long enough to cultivate a strong practice.  It wasn’t until years later she attended her first Vinyasa class, and discovered the yoga style that would lead her back to her mat…meditation in movement!  Mesmerized by the playful dance between breath and posture, Chantel found the connection she always searched for and went on to become certified yoga instructor.

As an avid runner, sports enthusiast, and former dancer, Chantel believes in the power of movement as a bridge towards self-discovery and healing. In addition to her formal training, she passionately pursues courses and trainings to enhance her offerings as an instructor and nourish her curious and playful spirit.  Chantel considers that yoga is for every BODY, and her hope is to help students embrace their unique path towards wellbeing and peace.